Ruth examines her informal abstract works and how they come to be
Ruth approaches every new work of art with complete openness. She listens to the intangible energy patterns that flow through her and wish to be manifested, made tangible.
The many layers of these works produce a harmony, radiating warmth, wisdom and balance. These paintings also create a tranquil space within the viewer that opens a path to newness and transformation.
In the period from 2004 – 2006, she often added sand from many different beaches throughout New Zealand to her paintings. Not only does this add plasticity, three dimensionality and structure to the works, but the sand also shares its ancient wisdom with us, adding further vibrations.
The addition of this sand vibration permits a strong reconnection with the earth element – one, Ruth believes, the viewer can feel, see and even hear.
Since 2007, she has often worked outside, using copious amounts of water. The water element enables the paintings to flow more. Water shares its obvious and subtle wisdom with us. It challenges us to become more flexible, demanding surrender to a divine rhythm and our
ever-changing reality, connecting us with the world and all-there-is.
The water element further stands for courage, curiosity and the strength of daring to flow within the natural rhythm of our lives.
In 2009, Ruth started to consciously incorporate the energy of the sun, the element of fire, into her paintings. She has a vast color palette and creates every color for her works individually. The drying process of every single one of her colors on scorching hot days is a fascinating process to watch. The different components of the individual colors appear to dry layer by layer, creating a powerfully warm, spherical energy on the canvas - much richer than if the color had been dried outside on a cloudy day or even inside.
The fire element connects us to our fire within, our creative power, our passion and strength, to the point where it becomes beneficial throughout our lives. “I felt humbled and simultaneously empowered when the fire element entered my work” Stirnimann said.
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